Good Agricultural Collection Practice

Good Agricultural Collection Practice

Training course for this certification.

GOOD AGRICULTURAL AND COLLECTION PRACTICE (GACP) is a quality assurance system for medicinal plants that is primarily designed to give broad technical assistance on collecting high-quality medicinal plant materials for the long-term manufacturing of herbal goods classed as medicines. Herbs, herbal ingredients, herbal preparations, and completed herbal products are all examples of herbal remedies.

The safety and efficacy of herbal therapeutic products are directly affected by quality control. Good agriculture and collection practices for medicinal plants are only the first step in quality assurance, which directly depends on the safety and efficacy of herbal medical products, and will also play an essential part in the protection of medicinal plant natural resources for long-term usage.

They apply to medicinal plant cultivation and collecting, as well as some post-harvest procedures. All applicable national and/or regional quality criteria should be met by raw medicinal plant materials. As a result, the recommendations may need to be altered based on the circumstances of each country’s situation.

The primary goals of GACP are to contribute to the quality assurance of medicinal plant materials used as a source for herbal medicines, with the enhancement of the quality, safety, and efficacy of finished herbal products; to guide the formulation of national and/or regional GACP guidelines and GACP monographs for medicinal plants, as well as related standard operating procedures; and to encourage and support the sustainable cultivation and collection of medicinal plants of high quality.

We would like to clarify the basis of our GACP program. Since there is no official accreditation for GACP certification, our program is based on the following:

1. Cannabis seeking GACP approval must first obtain GPP certification from the competent authority in accordance with the GOOD PRODUCTION PRACTICES GUIDE FOR CANNABIS, Requirements under Part 5 of the Cannabis Regulations also comply with the Canadian Government Cannabis Regulations SOR/2018-44.

2. Producer claim: You will need to provide evidence that your facility has processes in place to ensure that your products meet GACP requirements. This includes filling out our GACP application form and providing details on your production processes and facility management.

3. Third-party independent approval: To ensure impartiality, ACS engages an independent third-party audit to review your application, testing results and on-site audit. We will evaluate whether your products meet our GACP requirements and provide a recommendation for approval certification or rejection.

4. Accredited laboratory test reports: To further verify may ACS require laboratory testing of producer samples. We only accept results from accredited laboratories that are recognized by ILAC (International Accreditation Laboratory Council).

Our GACP approval certification is valid for one year; after which you will need to reapply to maintain your certification. We take our responsibility seriously, and we conduct regular audits and inspections to ensure that facility continues to meet our certification requirements.


Compliance with food and agricultural law,

Improve food safety in production and distribution,

Increase business awareness of risks, food safety hazards, and critical control points,

Increase consumer confidence, supports business leadership through the direction of resources to safety-critical elements of the process,

Reduced complaints as a result of decreased risk of undesirable publicity and improved awareness to problems as a result of planned corrective action.

Training at ACS Canada

ACS employs accelerated learning methods to ensure a comprehensive grasp of all certificates. Our approach involves contextualizing your learning through a wide array of options, including classroom instruction, workshops, as well as interactive and online sessions.




GOOD AGRICULTURAL PRACTICE(GAP) Training Course Why GAP training? The application of existing knowledge to the sustainable use of the natural resource base for the production of safe, healthy food and non-food agricultural products in a sustain manner, while maintaining economic viability and social stability, is the concept of Good Agricultural Practices. The GAP depict the […]

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