Training course for this certification.


Bribery is a pervasive issue with significant social, moral, economic, and political consequences. It undermines good governance, impedes progress, distorts market competition, and creates distrust in public institutions. Bribery compromises justice, endangers human rights, and hinders efforts to alleviate poverty. It also raises business costs, increases uncertainty in transactions, elevates prices of goods and services, reduces product and service quality—which can have fatal consequences—erodes public trust, and disrupts fair and efficient market functioning.

In recent years, governments worldwide have intensified efforts to combat bribery through international frameworks like the OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions and the United Nations Convention Against Corruption, alongside strengthened national legislation. Bribery is now recognized as a criminal offense in most jurisdictions, and there is a growing trend toward holding corporations, as well as individuals, accountable for such activities.

Organizations are responsible for actively participating in the global fight against bribery. This responsibility can be fulfilled through a robust anti-bribery management system (ABMS), which this standard provides, along with leadership-driven values of integrity, transparency, and compliance. The cultural foundation of an organization is pivotal to the success of an ABMS, as a culture rooted in ethical practices is essential for combating bribery effectively.

A well-structured organization is expected to uphold a compliance policy backed by comprehensive management systems, enabling it to meet legal obligations and reinforce its commitment to integrity. An anti-bribery policy, as part of a broader compliance framework, helps the organization prevent or mitigate the financial, legal, and reputational risks associated with bribery. This policy supports trust in business dealings and elevates the organization’s standing in the market.

ISO 37001 aligns with global best practices and is applicable across sectors and organizations of any size, whether public, private, or not-for-profit. The standard is adaptable to organizations’ specific bribery risks, which vary based on factors like size, operational regions, industry, and the nature and complexity of activities. ISO 37001 mandates organizations to implement policies, procedures, and controls that are practical and proportional to the bribery risks they face, enhancing resilience against corruption and fostering ethical business conduct.

Benefits of ISO 37001 Certification with ACS Canada

Choosing ISO 37001 certification through ACS Canada offers numerous advantages:

By choosing ACS Canada for ISO 37001 certification, organizations benefit from a team of experienced auditors and a rigorous certification process. ACS Canada’s expertise in anti-bribery standards helps organizations establish a resilient and ethical business framework, ensuring compliance and building a strong foundation of integrity and trust.

Training at ACS Canada

ACS employs accelerated learning methods to ensure a comprehensive grasp of all certificates. Our approach involves contextualizing your learning through a wide array of options, including classroom instruction, workshops, as well as interactive and online sessions.

ISO 37001 CERTIFICATION Training - 1


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ISO 37001 CERTIFICATION Training - 5


ISO 37001 Requirements

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